Filtering by: Celebrations

Christmas Party
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Party

Please join us for our annual Christmas event, where we have a lovely dinner followed by plenty of desserts, drinks and dancing. We will meet in the lounge at 5pm to have a pre-dinner drink, and then head to the Bondi Tratt for a beautiful Christmas meal of turkey and ham with all the trimmings. After dinner the Residents’ Committee will start up a fabulous playlist to see us through dessert, the lucky door prizes and beyond. Put on your dancing shoes and prepare for a touch of Christmas sparkle in 2023…

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Christmas in July
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas in July

The weather is getting colder, the nights longer and the days darker…so it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in July! We will begin the evening’s celebrations with a drink in the lounge at 5pm, before going to the Tratt for a lovely meal and then returning to the lounge for dessert, lucky door prizes, and music.

All residents and guests are welcome, but you must inform the office by Friday 21st July if you are coming for catering purposes. See you there!

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Easter eggs!
to Apr 7

Easter eggs!

  • Bondi Beach Astra Foyer (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will be visited by the Easter bunny this week, who will be dropping off some lovely wrapped Easter eggs for everyone to enjoy. (Well, Sam has generously donated some Easter eggs for us all to enjoy, and we thank him for it!!)

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Christmas Party
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Party

Please join us for our annual Christmas event, where we have a lovely dinner followed by plenty of desserts, drinks and dancing. We will meet in the lounge at 5pm to have a pre-dinner drink, and then head to the Bondi Tratt for a beautiful Christmas meal of turkey and ham with all the trimmings. After dinner we will be joined by musician John Campbell and singer Lorraine Delaney who will serenade us through dessert, the lucky door prizes and beyond. Put on your dancing shoes and prepare for a touch of Christmas sparkle in 2022…

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Christmas in July
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas in July

The weather is getting colder, the nights longer and the days darker…so it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in July! We will begin the evening’s celebrations with a drink in the lounge at 5pm, before going to the Tratt for a lovely meal and then returning to the lounge for dessert and entertainment by the wonderful John Campbell.

All residents and guests are welcome, but you must inform the office by Friday 15th July if you are coming for catering purposes. See you there!

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Australia Day BBQ
6:00 PM18:00

Australia Day BBQ

  • Bondi Beach Astra Courtyard (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Australia Day 2022 at Bondi Beach Astra will be celebrated with a BBQ in the courtyard - food, drinks and Aussie spirit galore. Everyone is welcome for this resident-run event. There will be sausages of various flavours, salads, cheese and desserts, as well as some special dishes made for us by residents. Come along for some food and a glass of bubbly to celebrate with us in style.

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New Year's Eve
to Jan 1

New Year's Eve

  • Bondi Beach Astra Courtyard (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Happy New Year to one and all! Bondi Beach Astra will be celebrating this new year with a bring and share dinner for residents, friends and family. Everyone is welcome. What a great place to be to see in the new year!

Unfortunately, as this is a resident-run event, and due to rising case numbers, we are cancelling our new year celebration. But Bondi Beach is still a lovely place to be at new year, so we hope everyone enjoys watching some fireworks on TV (or out the window) and ringing in 2022 with a glass of something bubbly. Stay safe and Happy New Year.

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Christmas Party
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Party

Please join us for our annual Christmas event, where we have a lovely dinner followed by plenty of desserts, drinks and dancing. We will meet in the lounge at 5pm to have a pre-dinner drink, and then head to the Bondi Tratt for a beautiful Christmas meal of turkey and ham with all the trimmings. After dinner we will be joined by a musician who will serenade us through dessert, the raffle and beyond. Put on your dancing shoes and prepare for a touch of Christmas sparkle in 2021…

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Christmas in July
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas in July

The weather is getting colder, the nights longer and the days darker…so it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in July! We will begin the evening’s celebrations with a drink in the lounge at 5pm, before going to the Tratt for a lovely meal and then returning to the lounge for dessert and entertainment.

Unfortunately due to the latest lockdown we will not be able to hold our Christmas in July party. Stay safe everyone and keep an eye out for future plans as they develop…

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Christmas Party
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Party

Please join us for our annual Christmas event, where we have a lovely dinner followed by plenty of desserts, drinks and dancing. We will meet in the lounge at 5pm to have a pre-dinner drink, and then head to the Bondi Tratt for a beautiful Christmas meal of turkey and ham with all the trimmings. After dinner we will be joined by Keff McCullough who will serenade us through dessert, the raffle and beyond. Put on your dancing shoes and prepare for a touch of Christmas sparkle in 2020…

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Christmas in July
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas in July

The weather is getting colder, the nights longer and the days darker…so it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in July! We will begin the evening’s celebrations with a drink in the lounge at 5pm, before going to the Tratt for a lovely meal and then returning to the lounge for dessert and entertainment (all socially distanced of course). This year we will have John Campbell serenading us through dessert, and we are all looking forward to it after such a strange year so far.

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Hawaiian Luau
12:00 PM12:00

Hawaiian Luau

At the weekend it is Hawaii Day, so we thought we should get into the spirit of this and hold our own luau lunch. Dust off your Hawaiian shirt (I’m sure you all have one!!) and find a lei - there will be prizes for the best dressed. Join us for an afternoon of fun and colour as we celebrate one of the world’s most loved island cultures.

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12:00 AM00:00


This ANZAC day there will be a number of events going on around the Eastern Suburbs and in the city. For information about the city march see their website. There will be more information about local events nearer the time.

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 health concerns these events have been cancelled. For more information check updates on your local council website.

Here at the Astra we will send out some ANZAC themed resources for you to use to commemorate this important event in the comfort of your own home.

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Easter Treats
11:00 AM11:00

Easter Treats

It’s Easter time, and we thought it would be nice this Maundy Thursday to celebrate with hot cross buns and Easter eggs at morning tea. Come along and chat with your friends and neighbours with an Easter backdrop of bunnies, eggs and bunting.

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 health concerns this event has been changed. We will not go ahead with a communal lunch, but Aaron “the Easter Bunny” Ross will be delivering each of our residents some wrapped Easter eggs to enjoy over the Easter weekend!

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