Oktoberfest Bonanza

Last week we celebrated Oktoberfest in style at the Astra, with food, beer tasting, costumes, decorations and traditional music. It was a really fun, well-attended event. Aaron did a sterling job as ever on the BBQ, cooking sausages, onions and chicken schnitzel. In addition, we had bread rolls, salad, cheeses, and plenty of fruit. For dessert, we enjoyed a sumptuous black forest gateau with lashings of cream and chocolate.

The decorations were Bavarian-themed, and provided a nice back drop to the crucial part of the proceedings; beer tasting! We had a variety of German and Bavarian-style beers, each with their own flavours and stories. And after the beer, with a contentedly full stomach, it seemed appropriate for us to finish with a few sips of butterscotch schnapps. Whether drinking or not, it was great to be able to relax and chat over lunch with the strains of waltzes in our ears. A few of us even managed to dress up for the occasion, with traditional(ish) clothes and scarves…and pinnies galore! Lots of fun and laughter was had by all, and our thanks go to everyone who came and made it such a lovely occasion. Prost!!