Technology Workshop - Creating Documents
/This month we continued with our technology workshops by discussing how to create documents of all sorts. We first looked at word processing documents like Microsoft Word, Apple Pages and Google Docs, and Aaron showed everyone how to make and edit a Word document.
Microsoft office documents
Next we looked at making spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers and Google Sheets, and we played around with making a budget in Excel. Finally, we examined the programs available to make presentations, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote and Google Slides, and began to format our own PowerPoint presentation.
apple iwork documents
Everyone learned a lot from this session, including Aaron and Anna who were presenting!! There were handouts to choose from at the end, and just time enough for a cup of tea and a biscuit before lunch. It was lovely to see so many people there, even though it was a cold, wet and miserable day outside.
google suite documents
If you missed the last few workshops, please do still consider coming along to one in the future - we will continue once a month to discuss a different topic and to answer any questions you have relating to your devices. The workshops are free and open to anyone over 55, so do watch out for upcoming events. We are running these sessions in conjunction with the Be Connected government initiative (see their website for more information and for lots of helpful tutorials).