Bondi Beach Astra

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Pancake Afternoon Tea

It was a hot and steamy day when we gathered in the lounge for a pancake afternoon tea. Particularly in the kitchen, where Anna was cooking for an hour or two!! But what a lovely time we had, despite the humidity. Pancakes were enjoyed with all manner of toppings – lemon and sugar for the purists, jam or fruit for the more adventurous, and Nutella for those with a really sweet tooth. Anna over-catered a bit, so there were pancakes to take away for dinner and breakfast the next day! It was a great chance for residents to catch up over a snack, and many people stayed for a really good chat after. Gloria even brought a bottle of sparkling for those inclined to enjoy. Eva won the lucky door prize (a nice bottle of white wine), and everyone went away having had a lovely time. Our thanks go to everyone who helped to make this event a success.